I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm legal!

Let me start off by saying that I am undergoing a recently discovered illness called blog envy. With this idea I think I will be the next Freud... But anyways I'm saying this because I've been reading Michael Charamella's blog and it's so interesting! Of course he's traveling all over the world and seeing so much awesome stuff, so I'll just have to step up the game...

What I just wrote about has nothing to do with the title of this blog. I've been 18 now for a year, 3 months, and 24 days. So I've been legally an adult for a little while, but what I mean by the title is my alien status. For the past seven months I've been living in France, as you all should know if you're reading this blog. However, technically you're supposed to have a residency card here after your first three months, and I didn't have one. Today I finally have my card, and I am no longer an American illegal alien living in France!

Speaking of changes, the time finally changed here last weekend. I'm now really liking seeing the sun in the sky until 8:30, which is something you might all have been used to for a few weeks. It's awesome being able to walk to the bus with plenty of sunlight and still having sun after dinner. The winter is miserable when you have to go to school and come back from school in the dark.

It is now also officially spring here, although it was already ridiculously nice weather here before. I took advantage of the sun Saturday morning and went out riding for almost three and a half hours. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, as was the French countryside, and I shoveled down plenty of pasta afterwards.

I guess the last thing I have to write about is my BAC Blanc French exam that I took the other day. At the end of the junior year, every student takes an exam in French literature called the BAC. The other subjects are taken in the senior year for the most part. Anyways, I went into a room at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon to get tested on some literature that my class had covered since the beginning of the year, and luckily had to cover Figaro's monologue in Act V, Scene 3 of The Marriage of Figaro, which I knew well. So for half an hour I read the monologue and planned my oral essay, delivered it in 10 minutes, and then discussed liberty and equality with the teacher who was questioning with me for a good half an hour. That wasn't on the schedule at all... But it went well, especially since it was my first oral presentation in French, and I got a pretty good grade.

That's all I have for the moment. I hope everyone is good, and I'll try to blog again with something amazingly interesting, unless I suffer from too much blog envy...

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