I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The title is the hardest part...

So it's been about a week and now I have a few things to write. I have more time to be on the internet tonight because I'm waking up late tomorrow. Being on the internet means writing this blog and watching interviews with presidential candidates on the Daily Show website, my new method of narrowing down the Democratic candidates. It's weird having to actually make a decision for voting now that I can. But anyways, I'm waking up later tomorrow because I only have one hour of class! I'm actually not sure if I'm going to go, because the class is from 1 to 2 and going all the way to Nimes for that is kind of worthless. So I think I will start my vacation early.

HUZZAH!!! Vacation! The way French school works is there are about 7 to 8 weeks of school followed by a vacation. So I have one that starts tomorrow afternoon, I have the winter vacation, another "ski" vacation in February, and the spring vacation in April before school ends in the middle of June. During vacation I plan on getting to some more of the local sights and taking some pictures for everyone to see, riding my bike a ton, hopefully cooking some, reading, and of course learning French.

And speaking of school, there were two interesting things that happened this morning. For one, all the students bags were looked in when they entered the school and they were told nobody was allowed to leave the campus before noon, which is usually not the case. This was because yesterday someone lit a firework, threw it in a room, closed the door and ran away. The other thing at school this morning was a field trip close to the town of Rochefort du Gard, which is in between Nimes and Avignon. It was a geology lesson, and while I froze my ass off and tried to understand the other students took lots of notes on the age of the rocks and the chemical compositions on the rocks around. I understood a little better when we were allowed to go search for fossils...

I saw my first match of European handball last weekend. My host brother Axel plays on a team in a nearby town, and I got to see them play a team from Nimes. They won, which was good, and it was interesting to see it cause it's kind of a mix of basketball and lacrosse and hockey to me. I also cooked jerk chicken and New-Orleans style fried potatoes last weekend. The jerk chicken didn't come out as well as I wanted, and it was way too spicy for the kids here. Not sure what I'll get around to cooking this weekend/vacation, but we'll see. I'm also riding a lot more now. I'm trying to do at least 100 miles a week for now. Unfortunately I don't have many people to ride with and the wind here can be strong at times, but it's better than nothing. Plus other people get impatient if I want to stop and take a few pictures, which I will try to do on my next ride so you can see more of my route.

A prochain!


Unknown said...

Hey Jonah-

Jerk chicken ought to be very hot- not for the faint of heart. And, like real barbecue, ought to be cooked over a slow wood fire. They use pimento wood from the allspice tree in jamaica, but I've used plain old hickory chips and lump charcoal in a weber grill. I don't suppose they have a weber grill at your house?
Enjoy your vacation!


Jonah said...

Haha no, no weber grill. My jerk chicken cooking conditions weren't nearly that good! It's about impossible to find allspice leaves in France, kind of like or cheddar cheese!