I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ouais, j'ai le WiFi!

I now have a pretty reliable wireless connection! That means you can send me emails to either address: jonah.meyers@verizon.net or wayfarer4900@yahoo.com. The first address is a little quicker for me to get to because I don't have to go through a browser now, but do whatever your hearts desire. Wireless also means that I can talk on Skype much easier, and the sound and picture quality is better. So if you have a Skype name we can talk!

Also in the French news is a "greve," or strike. Basically, years ago when certain jobs, such as driving trains and buses, were very difficult the people who practiced those occupations were given certain benefits, including earlier retirement. Right now the government is trying to take those perks away, so bus drivers and train drivers all over the country are striking. There are some marches happening in Paris, but the most that has happened around me is a one-day strike by the bus drivers, which meant that I did not go to school yesterday! I really could have, but I only have two hours of Physics because my other three teachers decided not to go to school as well. So instead I....

Woke up at 8 instead of 6, ate breakfast, and rode my bike alone for over two hours! And what a magnificent ride it was. I did the same gorgeous route as Sunday, winding up through this valley with limestone and pine trees around me, and with an excellent view. Also passed through plenty of small villages with the beautiful French "plain trees," and I even rode through one village which is called "Campagne," the French word for country. I think it has about 200 people living in it, so the name is definitely just!

Today was a pretty good day as well. Only five hours of class, which actually is pretty easy now. I got a math test back and I had the third highest grade in the class, believe it or not! Then for lunch a friend and I bought "steak-frites" sandwiches, which the guy in the cafe calls "American"s and went and ate in the Jardin de la Fontaine. Plenty of wind here, so it isn't always the warmest, but it's still beautiful.

But now I must go take a shower and watch a rugby match. It's between France and Argentina (Moi contre Katherine) for third place in the rugby world cup. Unfortunately last weekend France lost to England in the Semi-Final. England will play South Africa tomorrow night. I'm also going to put up a few pictures of my new bedroom, so you can check those out if you'd like.

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