I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Allez Les Bleus!

Last night France defeated the New Zealand All-Blacks 20-18 in a quarterfinal rugby match! A world cup victory is in sight! Allez Les Bleusssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonah,
I am really enjoying reading your blog. I have been to France several times (although many years ago) and you have mne wanting to go there again! Ah the food! Ah the wine!
I think you are so incredibly brave to have gone over there to study in French all these difficult subjects - physics!! math! You are amazing, really.

Katie and I had a great visit with your mom and dad when they were up here in Vermont a few weeks ago. I miss seeing all of you. As I told your mom, thank goodness for email!
I think it is neat you are cooking your hosts American dinners once a week! How about BBQ chicken? Pork chops smothered in onions and gravy and mashed potatoes? Meatloaf? Hamburgers (the homemade kind are so much better than Mickey D's) and baked French fries? I will continue pondering this subject, and let me know if you need some recipes!
Lin Reuther