I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So today at lunch I had an interesting experience that I would never have in the U.S. From 12-3 I didn't have class, so I went with a couple guys in my class to a local café to play bébé foot (French for foosball). Some of the French kids were pretty good, and they had a few interesting rules I didn't quite understand. For instance, if you lose then you have to crawl under the table to the other side. Anyways, it was a lot of fun and making friends is definetely helping me learn French. Plus, I think I represented America well in the area of bébé foot.

Oh, and the food in France is BANGIN'! When I'm not at school my French family eats lunch and dinner together. The food is tasty and usually there is a lot. For example, on Sunday we had a big casserole of potatoes, onions, and cheese for lunch. MMMMMMMMM. Then a few hours later some friends of the family came over bearing fruit, lemon, and chocolate tartes. Everyone sat around eating those and drinking strong coffee or tea. Dinner was the rest of the casserole, a tomato salad, and a leftover dish of yellow rice with auid, mussels and shrimp from the previous night. And I wouldn't usually want to eat all that seafood, but I've decided this is the year to culture myself and eat more things. I haven't had any snails yet, but maybe some time...

Following every meal is either salad, fruit, bread with chesse or butter, nuts, and/or dessert. In the case of my family, amazing chocolate ice cream! But okay, I'm done being fat. Tune in again soon for another update from the beautiful south of France!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

you better keep on biking boy or you're going to come home with a good belly... don't take the french approach and smoke to keep the weight off. who knows why that works but that's what they say? haha... from richmond and my pathetic meal of rice and beans- i'm jealous.