I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Sunday, September 2, 2007


I am inBoisseres, France at the moment typing on my French family's computer. The keyboard is different so it takes me a very long time to type. If you want to reach me, use my address wayfarer4900@yahoo.com please, not jonah.meyers@verizon.net. I will put pictures up as soon as I can, but not until I can find a way of getting internet on my own computer.

My stay in France so far has been quite an experience. I have been slightly overwhelmed because everyone around me is speaking a language that i do not speak very well. But I am learning fast. Boissieres is a beautiful, small village with narrow streets and red-tile-roofed houses. My family is very nice and I've even been to the local running of th bulls! Sorry I have to stop now because I really need a shower and typing is so slow. I will find out where I can get wireless internet and then write about everything. Missing everyone already!

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