I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

L'école est demain!

Hello all! Some of you want to know more about how my trip is going, so I figured I would post some information about my town, my family, and Nimes. Boissiéres is a town of about 500 people. It is trés jolie (very pretty), with very arrow streets and an old chateau that nobody lives in at the top of the hill that the village stands on. Don't worry, I'll post pictures of the village and the chateau as soon as possible! Boissiéres is bordered by the villages of Nages, where the running of the bulls took place, and Bizac, which I rode my bike through today and is even smaller than Boissiéres.

I walked around Nimes this morning with Laurence and Marine after dropping Caroline and Axel off at school. They start a day before Marine and I. (Yes, unfortunately I have to go to school tomorrow...) I saw the amphitheatre Arènes, where corridas (bullfights) will take place next weekend, and the Maison Carrée, another famous Roman remain.

School is tomorrow and I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I will be in the same class as Marine and Benedict a friend of Marine's who attended the running of the bulls with us. And, oh, by the way - the running of the bulls isn't simply a bunch of idiots running as fast as they can so they don't get gorged. What happens is the French cowboys ride with their horses very close togethr so that the bulls running behind them canot pass. Meanwhile, the young men try to catch up to the head of the ulss and grab its horns until a number of them stop it from moving. People are allover the streets and constantly awaiting the next bull or bulls so that they can get out of the way.

I think that's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll post again soon. Bisous!



Anonymous said...

sooo to review here. marine, caroline, axel are who?

Jonah said...

Marine, Axel, and Caroline are the host family children (look at one of the posts below this one).