I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Sunday, September 16, 2007

France est trés jolie!

So this weekend I had more French biking experience. Yesterday I rode to Espace Bikes, a shop in the nearby town of Caveirac via the Voie Verte (bike path, which translates into "green route") with my friend Benjamin. Much much much smaller than what I'm used to, but the guy who owns it is real nice. Then on the busy road into Nimes and through the city to another shop, which I forgot the name to. It was full of beauticul Colnago and De Rosa frames and even a Pinarello Prince, which, for anyone who doesn't know, costs about $10,800. At the second shop I bought a powder drink mix and some gels, and now my host father is accusing me of doping. This morning I rode with Pascale, the father of one of Axel's friends, for about 53 kilometers, or 32 miles. Went a sligtly different direction and evetually caught a group of five riders, who we hammered with for a little bit. I talked a little broken French with a woman in the group who was wearing an old USPS Berry Floor jersey. Anyways, I can't wait to get back out riding again, I really wish I didn't have to go to school. I'm planning rides into Provence to see the lavender fields and south to the Camargue marshes and the Mediterranean.

I'm settling in a little better now. I still miss everyone a ton but I'm making friends and now I feel a little less like the outsider, because I'm understanding people when they talk much quicker and I can respond without having to pause and think as much about what I'm going to say.

Friday when I didn't have class for two hours me and a guy in my class walked to a bike shop in Nimes, which was closed because shops have the strangest hours in France. But we walked around Nimes a little more anyways, an I saw all the preparations for this weekend's Féria. Unfortunately I didn't go to the Feria, which is a weekend of corridas (bullfights) and live music and food and drunk people in the streets. Maybe I'll make it to the even bigger Féria that happens in April, I believe, during the Pentecote weekend.

That's it for tonight. Sorry I didn't take any pictures this weekend, but I'll try to get some when I go out riding Wednesday and/or Saturday. Bisous, et bonne nuit!


1 comment:

Katherine said...

don't stress about speaking slowly, stopping to think, or making grammar mistakes- i guarantee you they are all very impressed by your skill and your EFFORT most of all. your ability to communicate is appreciated and just because you are trying they will be very patient. remember you are that rare American that speaks something other than English... be proud, it's an exclusive club.