I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Friday, May 30, 2008

I went and saw a French witch this week

Okay, she isn't really a witch. She's this oldish lady who owns a store where she sells minerals and jewelry made of minerals and stones. I went to see her because a bunch of people I know have gone to see her recently. My host father Philippe started the trend when he went to see her for his knee pain. She gave him a couple small stones that he put in his knee brace, and surprisingly his pain subsided a little bit. Then the father of my host mother went and got some stones or something. Since then, my host mother has gone for her and Marine, and she's been accompanied by two friends who have gotten stuff for their families. Now there's one woman with less shoulder pain and a kid with less acne, among other things.

So anyways her store opens at 9 o'clock. I got there at about 8:55 and I was already the 5th person there, which doesn't sound like that much but can be a ton, as she spends a decent amount of time with everyone. Eventually she took my hand, did some weird stuff with her hand in the air over mine and decided what she wanted to give me. I started to say "I decided to come see you because...." and she finished my sentence with "you have back pain," which was pretty awesome. I don't know what kind of crazy magnetic field I give off, but I though it was kind of cool that she could tell me what my problem is. After talking with her for a while about a couple other people I got things for and about my guardian angel Yaheilah (I think), I left with a small ring of stones that matched my character, and a little pebble to fight my back pain. I haven't sensed a huge difference yet, but I guess I need to put the pebble on my back more. We'll see. I'll let you know if I experience a miracle.

Speaking of miracles, I have to mention something that doesn't happen very often in the south of France. It's been raining for a WEEK. I'm wondering what's up, as I don't live in Seattle, nor London! It was nice today and might be nice tomorrow morning, but other than that it's rained every day for a week. Everyone in the Nîmes was getting depressed, so thankfully it was pretty today. And while I'm in my second to last week of school here and I couldn't care less, I've been ripping my too-long hair out, dying to go out on a bike ride. Hopefully I'll be able to tomorrow morning. Good night.

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