I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Friday, December 7, 2007

How do you spell Hanukkah.... in French?

"Hanouka," apparently. I'm not celebrating quite like I usually do. No menorah, no Hanukkah parties with the neighbors or family, and actually very few Jewish people around me. However, I did manage to make latkes tonight, which my French family liked. Thanks for the recipe Mom, and I can see why making latkes for 30 people is such a pain...

Other than that my week has passed pretty normally. Tuesday I had my class "conseil," which is when the class delegates, two students elected to represent the class, meet with all the teachers and get every student's average. My average was a 13.5, which was really good. The averages fall into categories, indicating more or less on what level you are working. I was on the "compliments" level, which is quite good , although my teachers have been easier on me than the French kids in most subjects.

Tomorrow my host father's parents are coming for lunch. After, I'm going to watch the basketball game of my younger host sister and walking around the village she's playing in, which is named Aigues-Mortes (Aigues pronounced "Egg"). It's an old town, the old section of which is enclosed by tall ramparts. It was where an old French King left with ships for one of the Crusades, although I don't know many details. I think it was somewhere around the 10th century. Anyways, I should have some interesting photos to put up this weekend, so be sure to check up.

Happy Hanukkah everyone! Here's some music I found out about, if you want to get in the mood: The LeeVees.

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