I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hello anyone that might see this!
As you probably know if you're reading this, I will be living in France from September 2007 to late June 2008. I leave Maryland on August 30th for Boston and then to France on August 31st. I will be living with a French family and studying in a French high school for a 13th year of high school before going to College Park.
I figured I would start a blog so I could share my (hopefully amazing) year with you all. This will be easier than emailing a million people. Although I would love to email all of you, I will probably not have enough time to do that. Sorry! So if you would like to keep updated on my life, and I won't be offended if you don't want to, then read up! Also, I will post pictures of beautiful Provence, Lanquedoc, etc. periodically.
Hope to see everyone before I leave!


Majid said...

nice.it'll be like u never left

Majid said...

it will be like u never left, jonah-bear

Anonymous said...

hi jonah. it was good seeing u last night for dinner + i have to say that u look ready and u are absolutely ready for this next adventure in life. we are so excited for u!!! france is fabulous + u will love everything about it. the best coffee in the world. (sigh) the best food in the world. the best pastries (sigh, sigh), desserts, wine + bread in the world. a beautiful language + a relaxing cafe culture. what else could be important in life? enjoy every moment. travel safely. be open to new experiences. be well. aunt nancy