I never thought...

I never thought...
...that I would live in a town with a castle

Saturday, August 25, 2007


If you would like to see the city of Nîmes relative to France, you can look at it on Google Earth:


Zoom out and look at the green arrow to see it relative to France or Europe. Or you can zoom in a little and find Boissieres slightly down to the left of Nîmes. If you zoom in enough you can even spot the street I'm living on, Chemin de Cougoul.

Une Semaine


Okay, less than a week until I leave, so here's the run-down of my year in France. I will be living in a small town in the south of France called Boissieres. My town has about 500 people living in it, but the nearby city, Nîmes, where I will be going to school, has 150,000 people living in it. I will be living with Philippe and Laurence Mialet and their children Marine (16,f), Axel (14,m), and Caroline (11,f). They have a six-bedroom house and a swimming pool!
I'll be attending school at the Lycée Albert Camus, where I will take math, physics (grrr), French, English, Spanish, geography, science, and gym. School starts at 8 AM every day and doesn't end until 6 PM! However, I get a two-hour break for lunch and I don't have school on Wednesday afternoons.
The city of Nîmes is famous for its amazing aqueduct and amphitheater, its history of religious violence, and the seasonal bullfights!
I'm so excited to start my year in France also still very nervous! Thanks for reading all the way through if you've made it this far, and I'll be sure to post with another update soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hello anyone that might see this!
As you probably know if you're reading this, I will be living in France from September 2007 to late June 2008. I leave Maryland on August 30th for Boston and then to France on August 31st. I will be living with a French family and studying in a French high school for a 13th year of high school before going to College Park.
I figured I would start a blog so I could share my (hopefully amazing) year with you all. This will be easier than emailing a million people. Although I would love to email all of you, I will probably not have enough time to do that. Sorry! So if you would like to keep updated on my life, and I won't be offended if you don't want to, then read up! Also, I will post pictures of beautiful Provence, Lanquedoc, etc. periodically.
Hope to see everyone before I leave!